Whirlwind trip to Philippines is over again…

The past two weeks have flown by, and although I’ve been constantly ‘on the go’ I was still unable to meet with everybody that I would like to have. I missed out on meeting with Mellany Ramos Stametalaky from Kids Hope this time around, and didn’t get to International Needs in Marikina. I didn’t see my friend Raffy…

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3 different lives in Philippines — Part 3 — the unnamed poor

When I started writing this mini-series of posts profiling different Filipinos I had a few different specific people in mind for the Part 3 feature. But in just 2 weeks I’ve encountered so many people in such a variety of circumstances, that I couldn’t decide upon just one person for this 3rd profile. In fact, I’d also encountered…

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3 different lives in Philippines — Part 2 — Joy

By the time I arrive at Dencio’s in the Trinoma mall, Joy has already started drinking cocktails. She’s seated squarely in the centre of the long bench seat behind a table large enough to seat six, and the waiters are attentively at hand any time she requires another drink. Joy has recently graduated from Law and is staying…

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Off-shoring — ethical and socially responsible

A long time ago, I started writing about “Offshoring — the pros and cons from a social and commercial perspective”. I promised then to delve deeper in three subsequent posts, and this is the first of those long-overdue posts: Off-shoring is not only ethical, it’s a socially responsible and progressive step. That’s a claim that’s going to get me in…

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Offshoring — the pros and cons from a social and commercial perspective

A couple of years ago I wrote a draft article about off-shoring and the reasons why, ethically, it makes perfect sense and should not be condemned. However, it languished in the recesses of my hard disk until a couple of weeks ago, when a phone call I made to Telstra was directed to a call centre in Philippines…

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Heart land.

There’s times when I just want to leave the self-centred, politically correct, emotionally sterile and heartless Western ‘civilisation’ of Australia where inward-looking churches, bureaucratic Government agencies, and morally bankrupt society appear to be doing their utmost to quell any sense of love, emotion, commitment, or community. My personal preferred destination would be Philippines, though I’m sure almost any…

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